Disordered eating is a challenging and sensitive subject. Watching someone you love struggle is not only heartbreaking but can also be overwhelming. In this blog post, we will explore practical advice for families, partners, and friends looking to support a loved one who is grappling with disordered eating. Understanding how to provide support is the first step in fostering healing and recovery.
Disordered eating includes a range of unhealthy eating behaviors that do not necessarily meet the criteria for an eating disorder but can still pose serious health risks and interfere with quality of life. These behaviors can include restrictive dieting, binge eating, and compulsive eating.
The first step in offering support is recognizing the signs of disordered eating. Some common indicators include:
Creating an environment where your loved one feels safe to share their feelings is crucial. Here are some strategies to foster open communication.
When supporting a loved one, it’s important for the person to feel cared for and accepted. Instead of criticizing the person, focus on showing empathy. If they open up to you, validate their emotions by acknowledging the pain and difficulties they are facing. Validation and careful listening can help them feel understood and less isolated.
Understanding disordered eating can empower you to provide better support. Consider reading books and articles, watching documentaries, or attending workshops focused on eating disorders and mental health. This knowledge can help you empathize and respond more effectively.
While your support is a foundational first step, it’s essential to recognize that professional help may be necessary. Encourage your loved one to seek guidance from a therapist, dietitian, or medical professional who specializes in disordered eating. Offer to help them find resources that will help them better understand disordered eating and ways to heal
If individualized therapy does not feel right for them, suggesting couples or family therapy may be a good option. These therapy options help clients explore their behaviors and feelings with their loved ones alongside the added support of a clinician. This can improve communication and build trust, allowing everyone involved to open up in a safe environment.
Supporting a loved one with disordered eating can be daunting, but compassion and understanding can make a world of difference. By recognizing the signs, fostering open communication, educating yourself, and encouraging professional help, you can be an integral part of a challenging healing process. Remember, recovery takes time, and your ongoing support can help them feel less alone in their journey. As you navigate this path together, remain patient and compassionate, and always let them know they are valued and supported.
11 subtle signs of an eating disorder that are easy to miss. (2024, May 20). National Alliance for Eating Disorders. www.allianceforeatingdisorders.com/11-subtle-signs-eating-disorders/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjww5u2BhDeARIsALBuLnN7ZakLp0tOP3zauXfd8tl9H0R3-mf5oC461em55umV-wjrCLzLGlEaAlVFEALw_wcB.
Eating disorders. (n.d.) Eating Recovery Center. www.eatingrecoverycenter.com/conditions/eating-disorders. What to know about disordered eating. (2023, September 22). Medical News Today. www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/disordered-eating.
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